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How to reset your life in your 20s

We all romanticise the new year as an opportunity to reset our lives and cut out the negativity that held us back the year before. But when we go to actually make these changes it can seem like an impossible task. The truth is if you’re in your 20s it’s not too late to develop who you are and how you live; life is short so why are we not living as who we want to be? In today’s post we are sharing the steps you can take to reset your life in your 20s for realistic progress and successful change.

mirror with reflection

Reflect on your current lifestyle and identity

You may not feel it, but your 20s is a very early stage of your life and you have the right and ability to change who you are and how you live at any point. In order to reset your life, you first need to reflect on how you currently live and who you are and identify the aspects that you want to change & eliminate.

Remove from your life what no longer serves you

When you’ve identified these factors, you then need to make steps towards removing the parts of your life that no longer serve you or resonate with you. These aspects could be anything from your life such as habits you engage in, aspects of your appearance, a job you work, your thoughts and behaviours, relationships and people you know.

a yoga mat and laptop and weights

Focus on passions and habits you want to develop

Once the old aspects have been removed, it’s time to focus on what you want to implement into your life instead to reset your identity and become who you want to be moving forward. These aspects to focus on should be passions and positive habits you want to work on such as fitness goals, nutrition, appearance changes, self care, mental wellness and any other interests.

Commit to new goals and implement routines

The key to resetting your life is not just to make changes, but to commit to them. If you stay focused on implementing your new habits you will see results long term. You can stay committed to your life reset by keeping a tracker such as a journal to hold yourself accountable, as well as communicate with others to make your changes a reality.

reset your life laptop and candle

Show up as the developed version of yourself to reset your life

In order to completely reset your life, you need to show up as the developed version of yourself each day to reinforce the idea in your mind that you have become who you are working to be. You can do this by practicing positive affirmations which confirm these changes in your mind, as well as talking to others about your new habits and reflecting on the positive impact it’s had.

Remind yourself that positive change takes time

The hardest part about resetting your life is not seeing progress as quickly as you like. This can often lead to setbacks or feeling disheartened and that’s okay! Remember that positive change takes time, and if this reset is something that matters enough to you then you need to persevere and stay focused on your goals for long term progress, not instant.


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