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Before the Worst

A Poem

by Megan O'Byrne

It had just gone seven thirty

For once I had actually turned up early

Glancing around the bar, you finally spot me.

Clutching the edges of your jacket nervously

Your eyes glisten with that shimmering song

That I held on to for far too long

Stepping up shyly to greet you

Your height surprised me too

Tall but not quite six foot,

as hard as you always

tried to look

We both knew it was the start of a past

Oh how I wish I’d known it wouldn’t last

Watching drinks pour at the bar

The conversation was going far

My heart started beating

a rhythm faster than moments fleeting

I think we knew each other more back then

Than now,

Without a single word spoken

As the voices silenced

And the lights brightened

You took my hand

as we walked away

That first touch made me want to stay

You felt like home wasn’t far from me

You knew and yet

you kept my company

I blushed as you stared

Time stopped when you were there

My smile brightened your mind

Your eyes melted my kind

And you kissed me for that first time

Perched on the edge of the train

Me on the platform

Us surrounded by the pouring rain


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